Family History - Person Sheet
NameJoshua Palmer
Birth1740, Worcestershire, England2411,2448
Notes for Joshua Palmer
A 1760 advertisement in the General Evening Post reports, “WHEREAS Joshua Palmer, (born at Worcester, and bred up at Stourbridge, about 19 Years of Age, about five Feet eight Inches high, brown hair, had on a brown Coat and Waistcoat, and Leather Breeches, and had a Ticken Frock with him) Apprentice to Thomas Robinson, Cooper, in Dale-End, Birmingham, absented himself from his said Master’s Business on the 4th Day of November last: These are to forewarn all Persons harbouring or employing the said Apprentice; and that will secure him, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall have One Guinea Reward, by the said Thomas Robinson. He went off before for about a Month, and returned at Michaelmas last; said he worked at the Joiners and Carpenters Business in [illegible] and [illegible]. He knows something of Sawing, and making Deal Boxes, besides instructed as a Cooper.”