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Of all of the branches of my family I have researched, the Lloyds were the most recalcitrant. The difficulty eased significantly as the information age has come upon us, with vast stores of records being opened up and catalogued. Considerable barriers remained, however. For a number of generations, the Lloyd name-bearers seemed to have led unstable, drifting lives apart, on the margins of society and of organized religion. Marriages ended prematurely, with the early death of one spouse or with de facto separations. The combination of circumstances created a trail of confusing, seemingly conflicting bits of evidence, which often gave me pause. In the end, I am amazed at how much it has been possible to reconstruct, not only of the bare facts of births, marriages and deaths, but of the details of lives lived centuries ago.

I had not expected to discover lofty origins for this branch of my family, but I found them. It turns out that a few generations of have-nots and unfortunates were descended from highly eminent citizens, the Lloyds of Dolobran, whose members included the founders of Lloyds Bank of London and an early governor of Pennsylvania.

Henry Lloyd and Sarah Ann Wayne

Henry Lloyd

Information about Henry Lloyd, my great-great-grandfather, comes from a mixture of handed down family lore1 and subsequently unearthed primary documentation.

Henry was born on June 24, probably in 1839.1, 2 (There are discrepancies of a year or two in records of his birth.) He was named after his maternal grandfather, Henry Hoffman.3 Henry Lloyd himself reported that he was born in Minersville, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania,1 but I am skeptical about that. In 1838, his father appears in East Nantmeal in the tax lists of Coventry County.4 The 1840 census seems to show his father in Coventry, Chester County.5 These townships are just across the country border from Union, where his parents lived when they were married, 6 while Minersville is about 60 miles away. His father was Joseph Lloyd, sometime laborer and shoemaker, and his mother Sarah Hoffman. He had an elder and a younger brother. His mother died between 1842, when his brother William was born, and 1845.7 In 1850, Henry and his family were living in Union Township.8 In 1860, the family was in Philadelphia.9 Henry’s occupation was shown as machinist, perhaps in the increasingly mechanized shoe manufacture business.10

On October 15, 1861, Henry enlisted in the infantry as a private for the Civil War. He was discharged in April 1866.1

On June 6, 1866, he married Sarah Ann Wayne in a Methodist ceremony conducted by the Reverend Samuel Irwin,2 a Methodist minister with a residence close to the Arch Street Methodist Church, which was established four years earlier. His bride came from a very distinguished family, descendants of Revolutionary War General Anthony Wayne. It is possible that the Lloyd and Wayne families had been acquainted for a while.11, 12 Sarah Wayne’s father was reported to be very opposed to the marriage, given the difference in social status.1

The family lived in Philadelphia for the next decade and had their first six children there.1 Henry worked as a shoemaker. About 1876, they moved to Denver, Colorado for reasons that are unclear. So did his brother William. Henry and Sarah had two more children there, while Henry worked as a shoemaker and then a janitor. A modest Civil War pension supplemented their income. By 1898, Henry and Sarah had separated. He died on April 16, 1911. Sarah died on May 5, 1924. Both are buried in Fairmount Cemetery, Denver. Their children included (i) Frances, b. 1867, died as infant; (ii) Edward, b. 1868; (iii) Albert, b. 1870; (iv) Grace, b. 1872; (v) Howard Wayne, b. 1874; (vi) Evangeline, b. 1874; (vii) Isabel, b. 1881; and (viii) Lincoln, b. 1885.1

Sarah Ann Wayne

Because Sarah’s heritage is so well documented,13 I will not recapitulate it here.

Joseph Lloyd and Sarah Hoffman

Joseph Lloyd

Joseph was born on November 27, 1810 to Thomas Lloyd and Catharina Oblinger, the youngest of their three known children.14 Presumably the birth took place in the Northern Liberties/Germantown area, now incorporated into the northern part of Philadelphia. (See discussion below.) His mother brought him for baptism, along with his siblings, at the First Dutch Reformed Church in 1818, when he was eight.

In 1835, Joseph married Sarah Hoffman in Christ Church Episcopal Church, Reading, Berks County.6 Both bride and groom were noted to be living in nearby Union Township. In 1840, Joseph Loid and his family were living in adjoining Coventry, Chester County, with two young sons.15 His occupation was checked as being in the manufacturing and trades category. Next to them on the census was John Linderman, evidently father of Joseph’s sister’s spouse. (See below.) By 1842, the Lloyds were no longer visible in local records.15

By 1845, Sarah had died.7 She left behind three sons: Joel, Henry, and William. Sarah’s mother, Esther (Hetty) Hoffman petitioned to have Joseph Lloyd appointed guardian of the property of the children. As their father, he would have been that anyway, except for legacies due to the children from their mother’s side per stirpes. It is not clear what the legacies might have been. Henry Hoffman had died with personal estate insufficient to cover his debts.7

In 1846, Joseph married Ann(ie) Hoyer.16 As with the previous marriage, both bride and groom were reported to reside in Union Township. In 1850, the couple appeared in the 1850 census of Union,8 with five children, three of Sarah’s and two of Annie’s. Joseph’s occupation was listed as laborer. His sister Mary Ann was listed four households away, along with her husband William Linderman, a farmer. The Philadelphia Directories intermittently show Joseph working as a shoemaker from 1849 through 1863.17 In 1860, he and his family are shown in the Philadelphia census, occupation shoemaker.9 Then there is a gap of some time in identifiable records. His wife Anna and their daughter Sarah Ann appear as boarders, or perhaps domestic help, in the household of Edward Clymer in the 1870 census of Reading,18 without the presence of Joseph. In the 1880 census,19 Joseph is shown as a shoemaker residing in nearby Lower Heidelberg, along with his wife. This is the last trace of him I have been able to find.

Joseph’s children with Sarah Hoffman included (i) Joel, b. about 1836, of whom I have found scant mention;7, 8 (ii) Henry, b. 1839; and (iii) William Edward, b. 1842. His children with Annie Hoyer included (iv) Sarah Ann, b. 1847; and (v) Isaac, probably named after Annie’s father, b. 1850.

Sarah Hoffman

Sarah was the daughter of Henry Hoffman and Esther (Hetty), maiden name unknown. She was born sometime early in the 1800s,3, 5 probably in Exeter Township, Berks County. The 1830 census of Berks20 shows a Sarah Hoffman aged 20 to 30 in Exeter, along with a female aged 5 to 10. She is on the same page as her uncle George Hoffman, and immediately next to George DeTurk. It is not clear who the young female might have been, Sarah did not have a known younger sister, and the possibility that she had an early daughter does not fit with other known information. The DeTurk family were immediate abutters of Henry Hoffman and closely associated with his family.21

Henry Hoffman & Esther [–]

Her father Henry was of age at the time of his father’s death in 1802.22 and appears for the first time in the tax lists of Exeter in 180323 as a “single freeman,” so evidently born around 1780, probably in Douglass Township, Berks.24 The 1921 inventory of Henry’s own estate3 indicates that he farmed in a small way. He owned one cow. He might also have been a weaver in a small way: he had “one weaver Loom,” valued at $0.75, about $20 in today’s money.

I have not been able to identify Esther’s roots. She lived until at least 1845, when she petitioned for Joseph Lloyd to be appointed guardian of the property of her grandchildren.7

Henry Hoffman and Esther had eight children: (i) John; (ii) Ellen (Nelly); (iii) Charles, (iv) Henry, (v) Sarah, (vi) Frederick, (vii) Benjamin, and (viii) William.3

John Hoffman & Mary [–]

Henry Hoffman’s parents were John Hoffman and Mary, maiden name unknown. The records of the Bern Reformed Church25 show the baptism of John Hoffman on October 27, 1751. The next appearance of John Hoffman that I have found is the listing of John Hufman in the 1774 tax lists of Douglass Township in Berks.26 By 1778, he is shown there with 40 acres of land,24 either rented or passed on to him without a recorded deed. In 1779, tax lists note that he is a weaver.27 By the 1790 census, he has moved to the township of Exeter.28 Tax lists for the next decade show him there as a weaver with 69 acres of land.29 The land was along the Schuylkill River. 30 John Hoffman died by 1802. The inventory of his estate22 includes various items associated with weaving, as well as with farming.

The couple had nine children: (i) Valentine, (ii) Susanna, (iii) John, (iv) George, (v) Henry, (vi) Jacob, (vii) Abraham, (viii) Isaac, and (ix) Mary.22, 30

(Johan) Christian Hoffman & Sophia Catherine [–]

Baptismal records25 indicate that John Hoffman’s parents were (Johan) Christian Hoffman and his wife, the sponsors John Hoffman and wife. The latter couple were, I imagine, the paternal grandparents.

Christian likely came to America from the Palatinate as a young man with his parents, as discussed below. He had evidently married Sophia Catharina [–] by 1751, when their son John was baptized. In the following years, the couple were parents of at least four more children. In 1759, Christian obtained a warrant and survey for 41? acres of land in Bern Township, abutting land of John Hoffman (his father) and of Nicholas Bern [sic, actually Böhm or Boehm].31 In 1761, Christian became a naturalized citizen, along with his father and many other members of his community.32 In 1767, Christian Hoffman, weaver, appears in the tax lists of the township of Hereford in Berks. It’s not clear what took him there, beyond general young man’s wanderlust.27

By 1769, Christian’s father had died. In a power of attorney for the probate process, he described himself as “Christian Hoffman of Orange County in the province of North Carolina Weaver Eldest Son of John Hoffman... [and] Sophia Hoffman.” There are various pieces of information and reports about Christian’s life there, but so far I have not been able to sort out relevant fact and error from speculation and coincidence so will not list particulars here.

Children of Christian Hoffman and Sophia Catherine [–] included (i) John (bapt. 1751), (ii) (John) Jacob (bapt. 1753); (iii) Maria Sophia (bapt. 1755), (iv) Daniel (bapt. 1757), and (v) Christian (bapt. 1760).25

John Hoffman & (Anna) Sophia [–]

There seems little doubt that the origins of the family, like those of much of the Berks community, were in the Palatinate, a historical region of Germany along the Rhine River, something akin to the present-day region of Rheinland-Pfalz. The passenger list of the ship Samuel & Elizabeth, arriving in Philadelphia on September 30,1740, includes a Johannes Hoffman.33 The list of the St. Andrew, arriving October 27, 1738, with other persons of clear interest here, includes a Johannes Hootsman. If John and his wife (Anna) Sophia were not aboard this particular boat, the time and place of arrival seem about right in any event. (It is an apt moment to observe that German people typically went by their middle name, the rufname, and that Johan was an extremely frequent prefix of little import. Though Johan and Johannes are both rendered into English as John, the latter was customarily used specifically for the less frequent case when a child was to be called by his first name.)34

The first firm traces I have found of the Hoffman couple are in records of the Bern Reformed Church in Berks.25 These show the baptism on May 18, 1743 of George Hoffman, son of John and Anna Sophia. The sponsors were George Gernot [sic, read Gernand] and his wife Catharine, members of a family associated with the Hoffmans. On October 27, 1751, the registers note the baptism of John Hoffman, son of John Christian Hoffman and his wife. The sponsors were John Hoffman and wife, presumably the child’s grandparents.

On October 5, 1748, John Hoffman applied for a land warrant for “twenty five acres adjoining Nicholas Bem [sic, read Böhm or Boehm] and Herman Weaver in Bern Township in Lancaster County.”35 (Berks County was formed in 1752.) This application is notable both for the two desired neighbors it cites, and for the fact that it immediately follows an application on the same day by Henry Hoffman for a survey of land in nearby Heidelberg. Both Böhm and Weaver (or Weber, in German) were weavers.36, 37 Their names and that of Henry Hoffman are associated with John Hoffman in the following years, as will appear below.

On March 22, 1761, Johannes Hoffman of Bern Township became a naturalized citizen, along with many others of his community, including his friend and neighbor Herman Rick.32 Then for a few years there are no more regular signs of Johannes in Bern. In 1767, we find tax lists for Douglass Township showing John Hofeman, weaver, as well as Nicholas Bunn [Böhm].27

By 1769, John Hoffman has died.38 George Gernand, who was baptismal sponsor in 1743, was co-executor of the estate. The brief inventory cites “A note from Herman Rick for fifty one pounds to pay with out Interest as the widdow hath an ocation for during her life and the Remainer after her Decease,” and “The waring apparel of the Deceased being among the Children divided Last year and each of them having Received their Shear as the widdow and the Children affirm.”

John’s widow, (Anna) Sophia, survived until 1784.39 The executor of her will was Herman Rick, who married her daughter Gertraudt Catharina. In the inventory of her estate, the items of the highest value were stocks of flaxen linen and tow linen,

John Hoffman and (Anna) Sophia [–] had four known children: (i) (Johan) Christian, (ii) Anna Maria, (iii) Gertraudt Catharina, and (iv) George (b. 1743). George apparently died sometime between 1769, when Christian describes himself as the eldest son, and 1784, when he is not mentioned in his mother’s will. Christian was a weaver, and both daughters were married weavers: Anna Maria to Michael Wommer, and Gertraudt Catharina to Herman Rick.

Origins and the Palatinate

I believe that Johannes Hoffman was a brother, or perhaps cousin, of the (Johan) Henrik Hoffman and Jost (English Joshua) Hoffman who were settling nearby at the time. It seems beyond coincidence that John Hoffman and Henry Hoffman’s land warrant applications came on the same day, one immediately after the other.35

The passenger list of the St. Andrew, arriving at Philadelphia on October 27, 1738, includes adjacent entries for Johan Hend. Hoffman and Joost Hooffman.33There is also a “Johannes Hootsman,” who could be the John of interest here, and a Hendrik Hoofman. The handwriting is clear enough,40 but spelling, especially of foreign names, was a loose matter, as witness the three or four different spellings of the same last name. Other Palatines aboard the ship included members of surnamed Böhm and Weber – common enough names, but clearly fitting into the pattern of the families we find associated with the Hoffmans later. On September 27, 1737, the St. Andrew had brought Palatines George Gernandt and (Johan) Herman Weber, individuals who remained close to the Hoffmans in the following decades.

Johannes Hoffman settled in Bern, which was at that time within Lancaster County. Henrik and Jost Hoffman also settled in Lancaster County, notably around Heidelberg. The families of the latter two are extensively chronicled.41 That area of Pennsylvania was a settlement ground for many Palatine emigrants, as the town names Bern (Swiss) and Heidelberg (German) reflect.

It would be natural and logical to work to continue the pedigree in the Old World. That is far from easy, since the names were very common ones and records were kept at the parish level, without centralization. To have any chance of success, research either needs to build on work others have done, or to identify what church ancestors attended. A nineteenth-century report is that Johann Hoffman was from “Herie.”42 So far, reading through gazetteers, I have not found any place name that recognizably fits that. One possibility of interest is Herrenberg, the reported district of origin of a member of an associated family,43 some twenty miles south of Stuttgart. Some of the surnames of Pennsylvania associated families are less common than Hoffman and could bring fruit, especially in combination. Another clue of potential value is that the allied clans were often weavers.

Ann(ie) Hoyer

While Annie Hoyer is outside of the direct line pursued here, a couple of particulars of her life seem to supply appropriate context. One is that her apparent father, Isaac, lived on the border of Union and Robeson Townships. This is one piece of a pattern of Joseph Lloyd’s continuing relationships with people from that area. The other is that her daughter, Sarah Ann, appears to have been a single mother.18, 19, 44 This again fits an observable pattern, for at least four successive generations, of the Lloyds having less than lifelong marital relationships, by poor fortune or poor coping.

Thomas Lloyd and Catharina Oblinger

Thomas Lloyd

Thomas Lloyd was born on November 27, 1779 in Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, to Thomas Lloyd and Mary Evans.45, 46 His parents were married in a Quaker ceremony.47, 48

In 1795, Thomas was apprenticed to Hawkes and Gold, saddlers of Birmingham, until he turned twenty-one.49 William Hawkes, of the Deritend quarter of Birmingham, was a saddle tree-maker. John Gold was a leather cutter.50 Earlier generations of the Lloyd family, and their associates, had been involved with leather trades: William Gulson was a skinner; Henry Tissell, bondsman for the marriage of an ancestral Thomas Lloyd, was a saddler. (See below.) The step-mother of the Thomas being discussed here, Mary Haddersich, was daughter of a fell-monger, or hide-seller. Making saddles involves many of the same skills as making shoes: cutting and fitting leather to a given form and size; assembling pieces with rivets, nails, or stitches; and finishing the surface. John Hawkes, the father of the apprenticeship master William, was a shoemaker51. It may be that Thomas’s apprenticeship included shoemaking. If Thomas had not made shoes during his time with Hawkes and Gold, he would have learned the skills to make acquiring that craft a fairly straightforward matter.

When Thomas came of age in 1800, he was released of his apprenticeship and was able to receive the inheritance of £20 — the equivalent of about £1,500 in today’s currency — from his maternal grandfather, Thomas Evans, who died in 1786.52 This was not enough to set him up for life, but was enough to enable him to get started.

Sometime in the very early 1800s, Thomas sailed from Liverpool to Philadelphia. Later minutes of the Hardshaw Monthly Meeting (congregation, parish) of the Society of Friends,53 in Warrington, some twenty miles from Liverpool, note —

Thomas Lloyd who sailed from Liverpool several years since & appears to be now resident in America has forwarded the following address to this Meeting - over.

Dear Friends
For want of attending to the monitions of grace in my own mind I have been so far misled astray as to accomplish my marriage by the assistance of a hireling priest to a woman not in membership with friends; for which I am sincerely sorry & do condemn the same I hope my future conduct will evince the sincerity of this my acknowledgment
8 mo. 3d 1811 Thomas Lloyd

The Meeting being further informed that he now resides at Philadelphia direct the clerk to transmit on its behalf a few lines now produced containing the import of this minute to the Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia for the Southern District requesting them to visit thereupon in its behalf & send information of the result.

His emigration might have been as early as 1801, when the manifest of the ship Hindostan shows a Thomas Lloyd, traveling alone with four trunks and a portable writing-desk from Liverpool to Philadelphia.54, 55 The writing-desk would have been a curious accessory for someone who was not literate even to the extent of being able to sign his name, but might have been used for some other purpose or been inaccurately described in the ship manifest. In any case, he was clearly established in Philadelphia not long after that.

Thomas married twice. His first wife was Catharina Oblinger,14, 56, 57 whom he married by, say, 1805, since their daughter Mary Ann was born in 1806. In 1806, Catharina was evidently in Philadelphia with her sister Elizabeth,57 who married in 1807 in Germantown.58 Census listings for 181059 show “Thos. Lord” as head of a household in Northern Liberties West, adjoining Germantown. The household includes members fitting the ages of his wife, daughter Mary Ann, son Samuel, and three further unknown young adults. (These might include Joshua and John Lloyd, discussed below, or other relatives.)

In 1811, Thomas Lloyd applied for membership in the Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends, Philadelphia Southern Division. It is remarkable that he took, as the English Monthly Meeting noted, “several years” — at least five, and maybe ten — to do so, when the routine practice would have been for him to apply almost immediately after his arrival in the area. The Friends Society’s minutes60 include a copy of the referral requested from Warrington:

To the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the southern district

Your communication respecting Thomas Lloyd dated 25th of 6th month last has been received and read in this meeting. The information therein contained is satisfactory, & on due consideration of his case, we have concluded to accept his acknowledgment, and therefore certify that upon inquiry respecting his circumstances, it does not appear but that he left us in a state of solvency. With desires that the painful exercises he may have felt for past deviation, may tend to promote vigilance in every part of his future conduct, we recommend him as a member of our religious society to your continued tender regard & oversight
& are with love your friends

The import of the language of the certificate from England is unclear. As will be discussed below, Thomas Lloyd’s immediate forbears were infrequent participants in the Society of Friends. After leaving there, Thomas had married a non-Quaker, a common grounds for dismissal from Friends, but the phrase about “painful exercises he may have felt for past deviation” suggests further issues, errors of omission or commission. Quaker “exercises” were discussions in Society meetings, implying faults of a significant and public nature. Unfortunately, the surviving records from Warrington do not offer clarification. Thomas remained in the Southern Division Meeting for only a few months before transferring to the Northern District Meeting and a few months after that went to the Philadelphia Arch Street Meeting. Available records do not provide significant further information.

The annual Philadelphia Directories17 chronicle Thomas’s working life for a period of decades and, together with the decennial censuses, provide a good continuing picture of his whereabouts. (See chart and map on the end of this section.) His first appearance seems to have been in 1810, as “Thomas Lord,” the last in 1864, the year before his death. He was initially described as a “shoemaker,” but that soon changed to “cordwainer.” The latter term earlier connoted especially someone working in fine (French corduan, “cordovan,” from Cordoba) leather, but later came to be used interchangeably with the former, especially in England. It is notable that there were two other Lloyd cordwainers, Joshua and John, who sometimes shared addresses with Thomas and each other. Joshua was reported to have been born in Pennsylvania of English parents,19 and John first appears south of Philadelphia61 in an area where Quaker Lloyds had settled.62 The 1810 Directory and 1811 Friends references are the first records to cite Thomas’s shoemaking trade.

The records of the year 1818 include two events of interest, presumably somehow connected. The first was the April baptism of three children aged 8 to 12, with parents listed as “Catharine Uplinger (wife of Thomas Lloyd).”14 In the context of other birth reports in the same list, the language suggests that Catherine brought the children without Thomas. The second event was the marriage in December of Thomas Lloyd, reported to be a widower, aged 35, “s.o. Thomas Lloyd in Birmingham and his deced wife Mary,” a clerk in a printing office, to Mary Jane Abel, aged 22. In fact, Catherine Oblinger was demonstrably alive, Thomas was aged 39, and he was a shoemaker who could not read or write. It is hard to know what to make of these discrepancies. The facts in themselves and various possible explanations tend toward the scandalous. In light of the later horror of the Lloyd family by the Waynes, I tend to credit the darker interpretations.

One of the witnesses of the wedding was “Wistill Richardson, late from England with Lloyd.” This is evidently Westall Richardson, baptized in 1781 at the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Sheffield, whose father was of the same name and listed in the record as a stay maker.63 The younger Westall married Ann Steel in 1802 at Rotherham Minster, just outside of Sheffield.64 One of the witnesses was Benjamin Richardson. Benjamin married Elizabeth Burley in 1804 in Sheffield.65 The Philadelphia Directory shows Westall present through 1833, Benjamin Richardson for some years after that, both as cutlers.17 Evidently Westall returned to England, for we find that the Sheffield cutlery firm of Westall Richardson was established in 1839. Though it merged with another firm in 2007, the brand name remains to this day, with steak knives still on the market.66 How Thomas Lloyd’s path crossed Westall Richardson’s is an intriguing question. Thomas’s ironmonger forbears, the Lloyds and the Crowleys, were interconnected with the steel industry in Sheffield and perhaps by religion as well. Benjamin Huntsman, the inventor of a noted process for casting steel, was of Quaker ancestry and established a processing facility in Handsworth, a half dozen miles from Rotherham Minster, both just outside of Sheffield.67

The 1820 census of Union Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania68 shows “Thomas Lord,” engaged in commerce, as head of a family with members in the expected age brackets. He is next to John Linderman, father of William Linderman, whom Thomas’s daughter Mary Ann would marry. Thomas is absent from the Philadelphia Directories for half a dozen years in the mid-1820s, suggesting that the family may have been in the Union area for a while. In the years from 1828 to 1835, all of Thomas’s and Catharina’s children married residents of Union, and two of three were noted to be living there at the time. The picture raises the question, what took the family there? As will be noted later in this narrative, a branch of Thomas’s ancestors were early purchasers of land in Chester County, adjoining Union. An associated clan of Lloyds had been firmly established in Chester for over a century. Another possible pull was their mother’s family ties in the Berks area. In 1734, Catharina’s grandfather Nicholas settled in Salford, about twenty-five miles to the east of Union.57 In 1780, her second cousin John had 200 acres of land in Cumru Township of Berks County, about fifteen miles west of Union.69 In 1816, Berks Orphans Court records cite John Oblinger as having lived in Bern, seven miles from Reading, where Joseph Lloyd would marry, with minor children of John in the area.70 All three Lloyd children took spouses of German-American descent, like their mother’s.

Catherine was clearly alive and legally married in 1830, when she as “Catherine Lloyd” and her husband Thomas executed with their marks a release of rights to land to which she might have an hereditary partial claim.71 I suspect that when she and Thomas parted ways sometime around 1818, the children went with her rather than him.

The format of the 1850 census8 for the first time enumerated all household members, which for Thomas Lloyd’s family were consistent with the sex and age group counts of the 1830 and 1840 censuses.5, 20 It includes Thomas, by now over 70, a cordwainer born in England; Mary J. Loyd, aged 57, born in New Jersey; and a number of apparent second- and third-generation family members. The younger family members include Mary J. (presumably née Lloyd) Crane, aged 27, born in Pennsylvania, and her husband; Anna M. Makin (likely also née Lloyd), aged 25 and her husband Chas. Makin; Mary J. Makin, age 1, born in Pennsylvania; Ellen Lloyd, aged 21, born in Pennsylvania; Hannah Lloyd, aged 19, born in Pennsylvania; and Georgiana Lloyd, aged 15, born in Pennsylvania.

Thomas Lloyd continued his occupation as a shoemaker through age 80,9 dying in 1865 of cerebritis. His death certificate72 reported that he was a widower, born in Birmingham, England. He was buried in Philadelphia’s Lafayette Cemetery, now defunct.

Thomas’s children with Catharina Oblinger included (i) Mary Ann, b. 1806; (ii) Samuel, b. 1808; and Joseph, b. 1810.14 His children with Mary Jane Abel included (iv) Mary Jane, b. about 1823; (v) Anna M., b. about 1825; (vi) Ellen, b. about 1829; (vii) Hannah M., b. 1831; and (viii) Georgiana, b. about 1835.8

The naming of Mary Ann (née Lloyd) Linderman’s children provides good corroboration of the ancestry shown here. Her first daughter was named Mary Ann, after her mother; her second, Catherine, after her mother’s mother; and her third, Elizabeth, after her mother’s grandmother.73 It is interesting that neither Mary Ann nor Joseph Lloyd named a child after their father Thomas, and that Samuel selected this name only for his third son.

Catharina Oblinger

Catharina usually appears last in legal lists after her siblings, suggesting that she was chronologically last as well. This would put her date of birth at about 1780, somewhat before her father’s death in 1784. Her father was Samuel Oblinger, her mother Anna Elisabeth Dieter. William Rinkenbach’s very informative History of the Oblinger-Oplinger-Uplinger Family reports,“In 1803 Catharina Oblinger signed, with a mark, an agreement with her brother Nicholas, and in 1810 she was listed as such as one of the daughters of Samuel Oblinger. From a letter dated 1806, from her sister Elizabeth to their mother, it appears that the two sisters were living in Philadelphia at that time.”History of the Oblinger-Oplinger-Uplinger Family That was about the time of her marriage and first children. She was alive in 1830,71 but beyond that I have found no information about her.

Catharina’s Oblinger family from the early 1700s forward is documented in Rinkenbach’s history, prepared in 1964. More recently, Willard Oplinger and others have done careful and thorough research into the European origins of the family, which appear to be Swiss.74 Neither of these goes beyond the given name of Catharina’s mother, (Anna) Elizabeth. However, the land of Samuel and Elizabeth Oblinger adjoined land of William Dieter, to whom Elizabeth refers in her will as “my brother.”56 Elizabeth’s father was Georg Wilhelm (George William) Diethard (Dieter), who died in 1774 in Northampton County.75 Georg Wilhelm’s father may have been a John Deter who died intestate about 1758 in Northampton County.76 Elizabeth’s mother was Magdalena Dreisbach,75 whose very well-researched and documented ancestry is described elsewhere77 and so not repeated here.

Mary Jane Abell

Mary Jane was born about 1796, most likely in Philadelphia or nearby New Jersey. She was a daughter of Edward Abell and his wife Jane née Carr.46 Many of the Abel family, from many contemporary listings in the Philadelphia Directory, were cordwainers and shoemakers. She married Thomas Lloyd when she was twenty-two, he thirty-nine. She died in July 1856.78

Joshua Lloyd

Joshua Lloyd was born in Pennsylvania about 1787 to parents of English origin.19 His first documented appearance was at his marriage in a Quaker ceremony in 1818. At that time, he and his bride Elisabeth Miller were both reported to be from Penn Township, next to Northern Liberties.79 For the next few years, he lived in Northern Liberties not far from Thomas Lloyd.68 In 1820, the Philadelphia Directories show him as a cordwainer at 83 Vine Street, which was where Thomas Lloyd was shown with the same occupation in 1819. Thomas was at a nearby address in 1820.17

Joshua had a very long and — unlike Thomas — stable life, surviving to the age of 94. He married and had many children. Joshua’s family stuck together, often with two or three generations in the same household or adjoining ones. Children disappeared for a while in the census records, and then came back.

In the Philadelphia Directory and censuses from 1825 through 1870, he is listed as a shoemaker or cordwainer. His place of business for most of that time was at 36 Julianna Street in the Spring Garden area of Philadelphia. By 1880, his wife had died, and he was living with his daughter Elizabeth and her husband in Ambler, some fifteen miles northwest of Philadelphia.19 He died in 1881 and was buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Philadelphia.80 (That cemetery was displaced in the 1950s for urban renewal, with the remains relocated to other area cemeteries.)

I have not established Joshua’s origins or a specific relationship with Thomas. The given name of Joshua occurs several times81 in the family of the Lloyds who came from Merionethshire to Chester Country, Pennsylvania.

John Lloyd

John was reportedly born in 1781 in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, just south of Philadelphia, and died in 1850 in Chester, in the same county.82 (Delaware County was originally part of Chester County.) The first clear sign of his presence that I have found is an 1822 conveyance of land in Ridley Township to “John Lloyd of the same Township and County Cordwainer.”61The land was half an acre on “the Great Road leading to the City of Philadelphia.” The price was seventy-five dollars. In the 1830 and 1840 censuses, he and his family appear to be living in the abutting township of Nether Providence.20

From 1829 though 1833, he appears as a cordwainer in the Philadelphia Directory at 258 N. 3rd Street, very close to Thomas Lloyd’s early location at 83 Vine. I suspect that the Philadelphia location was a second storefront for his apparently thriving shoe business headquartered to the south, and that he traveled between the two locations.

I have found no documentation of John’s origins. His first son was named Isaac, as were a number of the colonial Lloyds of Merionethshire origins who lived in Chester County.81

Thomas Lloyd and Mary Evans

Thomas Lloyd

Thomas was born about 1756.83 His father was Benjamin Lloyd, his mother Sarah.47 Thomas was a cooper and packing-box maker.84, 85 This trade reflected the occupation of Thomas Robinson, whom Thomas’s grandmother Mary Lloyd married as a second husband, and of a number of other members of the Robinson family. He married Mary Evans in 1777.48 The couple had one son, Thomas. Mary died at the age of 27 in 1781.86 The following year, widower Thomas married Mary Haddersich.87, 88 They had at least eight children, most of whom did not survive for long. He lived in the Snow Hill area of Birmingham, close to the Bull Street center. His means were modest. In 1789, he was assessed for a tax of three shillings, close to the bottom of the scale.89 He died and was buried in Birmingham in 1820.85

Thomas had one child with Mary Evans, (i) Thomas, b. 1779.45 With Mary Haddersich, he had (ii) Mary, b. 1783,90 died as infant; (iii) Benjamin, b. 1784;91 (iv) John, b. 1786;92 (v) Mary, b. 1787;90 (vi) William, b. 1788;93 (vii) Sarah, b. 1790;94 (viii) Abraham, b. 1791;95 and (ix) Ann, b. 1793.96

Mary Evans

Mary was born in Birmingham on April 20, 175497 and died there on September 7, 1781.98 I have found no records of her beyond those of her birth, marriage, and death.

Her parents were John Evans and Elizabeth née Smart.99 From the reported birthplaces of their children (below), it appears that their origins were in Leicester, and that they moved to Warwickshire in the late 1740s. They ended their lives in Kingsheath, historically in Worcestershire but a suburb of Birmingham.100

John and Elizabeth Evans had a number of children: (i) Rebecca, b. 1743, d. 1761;101, 102 (ii) Samuel, b. 1744;103 (iii) John, b. 1746; (iv) Thomas, b. 1749;104 (v) William, b. 1750;105 (vi) Elizabeth, b. 1752;106 (vii) Mary, b. 1754, who married Thomas Lloyd; (viii) Benjamin, b. 1756;107 and (ix) Daniel, b. 1758.108

It seems likely that Mary’s father, John Evans, was the son of Emmanuel Evans of Leicester and his wife Mary. He was a yeoman.52 According to John’s burial record, he was 73 when he died in 1786, which would put his birth about 1713.100 There are records that Emmanuel married, in a Quaker ceremony, in 1716.109 The next year, Emmanuel and Mary Evans had a son John in Leicester, also noted in Quaker records.110 This is a few years off from the birth date indicated by the burial certificate, not a clear match but not a troublingly large discrepancy. Timing, geography, the given name John, and religious beliefs suggest that Emmanuel might have been among the family of John Evans, a very early Quaker of Wigston Magna, two miles away from the current city center of Leicester.111, 112 (See discussion below, Early Quakers of Sutton and Leicester.)

Elizabeth Smart was born October 31, 1717 in Warwickshire.113, 114 She married in 1742 and died in August 1781.99 Her parents were Samuel Smart and Katharine Moore.114 Besides (i) Elizabeth, their children included (ii) Mary, b. 1717; (iii) Samuel, b. 1724; and Benjamin, b. 1734. Benjamin was executor of John Evan’s will and trustee for minor Thomas Lloyd’s estate share.52 Katharine Moore was the daughter of John Moore, who died in Leamington Priors in Warwickshire, and Sion Smith.

Mary Haddersich

Mary was the daughter of William Haddersich and Ann, maiden name unknown.88 She was born about 1751. She died in Birmingham on March 13, 1815.115 Mary’s probable ancestors included leatherworkers in Walsall in nearby Staffordshire. William Haddersich was a skinner (active in the year 1627), probably the William Addersich who served as mayor in 1644 and 1646. Later, a William Haddersich was also a skinner (1676), probably the man of the same name elected mayor in 1679; Moses a fellmonger (trader in hides, 1689).116

Benjamin Lloyd

There were at least two contemporary Benjamin Lloyds in Birmingham at this time, both grandchildren of Sampson Lloyd I and so cousins.117 These have been confused and conflated by many genealogists and, for a long time, by me. I am much indebted to Tricia Mason of Worcestershire for seeing and raising questions that I had missed, and for her kind interest and assistance in resolving them. Portions of this manuscript have been significantly revised to reflect our communications.

The more recognized and reported Benjamin was the son of Charles Lloyd (son of Sampson Lloyd I) and Sarah Carless.118 The other, the one of interest to this line, was the son of Thomas Lloyd (also son of Sampson Lloyd I) and Mary Waight.117, 119, 120 I have not found any references to this latter Benjamin in printed works, and the few records from primary sources offer scant information about his life. His father was born in 1708.118, 120 His father died in 1744, when Benjamin was perhaps in his early teens. His mother remarried some time later. He was still apparently alive in 1759 when his grandmother Mary Lloyd née Crowley made her will,117 but had died by 1777 when his son Thomas was married.47 He may have been a cooper.121 He died early, perhaps in his thirties. From probate records, it is evident that Sampson Lloyd II and Charles Lloyd maintained an active interest in the family and its welfare after Thomas’s death.121

There is a record of the 1750 marriage of Benjamin Lloyd and Sarah Palmer in St. Peter and Paul’s Church in Aston-juxta-Birmingham, or perhaps the associated chapel of ease St. John’s in the Deritend section of Birmingham.122 The couple apparently had two children who appear in records of the Church of England: (i) John, b. 1751, d. 1757;123 and (ii) Mary, d. 1780.124 For the reasons that follow and an inability to fit this group into the context of the Dolobran Lloyds, I have set these events aside as probably irrelevant to this discussion..

Sarah (? Dand)

The given name of Benjamin’s wife was clearly Sarah. I believe that her surname was most likely Dand, though I am unable to find any record in a relevant time and place that refers to an individual named Sarah Dand.

The primary evidence for this identification is the 1777 marriage certificate of Thomas Lloyd and Mary Evans,47, which includes a list of relations, and the simple process of elimination. The family of the grooms’s father was represented by Sampson Lloyd, Charles Lloyd, and Mary Robinson, as paternal grandmother. The bride’s father and family were John Evans (Mary’s father) and some of Mary’s siblings. The bride’s mother’s family included Benjamin Smart and Mary Smart, of the family of Mary’s mother Elizabeth Smart. This leaves the slot of the groom’s mother’s family unfilled — and John Dand, listed as a relative, left over. So, John Dand is an obvious candidate for the vacancy.

There is considerable contextual evidence, outlined below, making the connection a plausible one. The Dand family included early Quakers in Sutton in Leicestershire, where they mingled closely with Evans and Smart family members, evidently the ancestors of Mary Evans.

John Dand was born around 1706. He died in 1781 in Birmingham. He was a salesman,125 as was his son John.50 His wife Elizabeth was born around 1703 and died the same year as her husband.126 Clearly the surviving records are incomplete. We have no record of John Dand’s marriage to his wife Elizabeth. There is contemporary documentation of the births of other children to John and Elizabeth Dand, found in records on pasted-in scrapbook-like odds and ends of paper. The children that are shown are Esther, b. 1736/7;127 Elizabeth, b. 1740;128 Mary, b. 1742;129 John, b. 1747; and Ruth, b. 1750.130 This roster shows a five-year gap in births after 1742, an interval when a daughter Sarah might have been born.

Early Quakers of Sutton and Leicester

Leicester was an early center of the Quaker movement. It seems most likely to me that a number of the families being discussed here, including the Dands, the Evans and the Smarts, had their roots in the early Friends community there. A number of them were involved in various trades in the production of textiles, a traditional mainstay of the local economy. The survival of vital records from that era has been uneven, so that it is often not feasible to identify individual descent trails with much certainty, but overall the picture seems to me to be reasonably convincing.

A noted Quaker founder, George Fox, was confined to the Leicester gaol for his religious activities in 1662, the same year that Charles Lloyd was imprisoned in Welshpool for similar practices. The earliest meetings of the forming sect were held in the private homes of members, including John Dand of Sutton and John Evans of Wigston.111 In 1664, the Sufferings of the Quakers reports, “John Evans, of Wigston, was also imprisoned for refusing to pay Tithes. He was cruelly used, being sometimes close shut up in a filthy stinking Dungeon, and at other Times in a Room over a Common Jakes or House of Office.”131 In 1680, John Evans was fined £10 for having a meeting in his house. Officers took possession of three of his cattle and sold them to pay the fine. Other fines and similar confiscations followed during the coming months.131 In 1687, Friends records report the burial of John Smart, son of Jno. Smart of Leicester Forest.132 In 1688, William Dand of Sutton made a contribution toward discharge of a lawsuit. In the records, the name Jno. Evans appears a few lines below.133 In the same year, Benjamin Smart was among prisoners at Leicester subject to “Writs de Excommunicato capiendo,”131 “a writ commanding the sheriff to arrest one who was excommunicated, and imprison him till he should become reconciled to the church.”134 Two facing pages of the list of burials for the Sutton Monthly Meeting from about 1695 to 1730 include four Dands and two Smarts, with others on the preceding and following pages.135

The Dand, Evans and Smart families all included members who were framework knitters, owners and operators of early specialized equipment for knitting of stocking material. In 1712 John Evans of Wigston Magna, a noted center of the trade, took on as apprentice for framework knitting William Crosen, whose father was a weaver.136 In 1714, John Dand of Great Batling (two miles south of Wigston) also took on an apprentice in framework knitting.137 In 1712, Thomas Smart of Barwell (to the west of Leicester) did the same.138 Other family members were involved in other textile-related trades. For instance, Samuel Smart, grandfather of Thomas Lloyd’s wife Mary Evans, was a tuckerer (or fuller), someone who worked with the finishing of cloth, especially of wool.114 Samuel Smart’s son Samuel was a woolcomber.99

Thomas Lloyd and Mary Waight

Thomas Lloyd

Thomas Lloyd, born 1708, was the last of Sampson’s six sons and died aged only 35 in 1744.120, 139 The Burkes’ Landed Gentry140 does not include him in its list of the issue of Sampson Lloyd I, nor do other references who presumably took their information from the Burkes.

Thomas’s early years and environment had some bumps and instability in them. In 1720, when Thomas was twelve, his older brother John (Jack), then seventeen, ran away from his apprenticeship and master. The sons’ father died in 1724, when Thomas was fifteen. By that time, John had run off to sea and was out of contact with the family for an extended period.118

In his will,141 Sampson Lloyd named his brother-in-law Thomas Pemberton and his son-in-law John Gulson of Coventry to have “guardianship and tuition” of his minor chlldren, including Thomas. There are some signs are that John Gulson played a more active role. As noted below, Thomas was in Coventry a few years later. John Gulson’s will142 provided that, if all of his own children died, his “brother-in-law” Thomas Lloyd would receive a share of the legacy, while Thomas Pemberton’s will143 does not mention Thomas Lloyd.

Beyond these basic facts, I thank Dr. Stephen Taylor of Staffordshire for his research, which opened the doors to large portions of the story that follows.

At eighteen years old, Thomas Lloyd married to Mary Waight of Coventry. Evidently the marriage, an Anglican rather than Friends rite, when both parties were Quakers, was an urgent one. The bondsmen for the marriage were Henry Tissell, a saddler, and “John Doe.”119 Thomas’s bride was reported to be sixteen, a niece of his guardian John Gulson, and an in-law of his own half-sister Sarah. Thomas’s occupation as reported on the marriage bond is only partially legible; it may have been “grocer.” His grandmother’s uncle, William Gulson (see below), was a grocer who took on apprentices144, so there is a plausible connection for this reading.

Within the Society of Friends, illegitimate birth or “marriage outside of unity” were causes for disownment. Indeed, I have found no traces of Thomas or his children in the local Quaker records. Mary’s second marriage in 1751 to Thomas Robinson is reported in the records of the Warwickshire North Monthly Meeting, so by then the events of 1727 were evidently water over the dam for the Quakers and her, at least. The young couple’s prominent families could hardly have been pleased about the situation, but evidently continued loyalty and acceptance of their children. On their side, the couple named their own children after family members.

Thomas is noted to be ill in a letter from Sampson Lloyd (Thomas’s brother) from Birmingham dated October 3, 1744, to Thomas Kirton, Three Tuns, Newbury:

“Bro Tommy hath been ill for 2 or 3 Months
past I wish his Complaints don’t end in an inward
decay which indeed they strongly portend he is now
got very weak.”118, 145

On January 7, 1744/5, Sampson again writes to Thomas Kirton:

“Dear brother
I am Sorry to tell thee that the illness of Brother
Thomas which I mentioned to thee in my last hath
increased daily upon him so as to cause a gradual
decay & quite wear him out that on the 5th
being no longer able to bear under it he was forced to
give way which he did very quietly without the least
sensible pain or struggle he was confined to his
Chamber for about 5 or 6 weeks but had little to
Complain of besides weakness which proceeding from
an inward Cause no medicines could reach or effect It
gives us all a great concern to be deprived of him just in
the flower of his age but no time in Life is exempt
from a visit of that universal messenger that comes
when he thinks fit Nothing hath been wanting to acco=
=modate him in the best manner possible which he was
gratefully sensible of & easie under”146

He was buried in the Friends burial ground in Bull Lane in Birmingham.139 The location might or might not indicate reconciliation with the Quaker group there; sometimes non-Quakers were buried in Society ground. As noted below, after Thomas’s death, Sampson and his brother Charles took an active role in helping his widow with her affairs.

Thomas and his wife Mary had three children: (i) Sampson, named after Thomas’s father; (ii) Benjamin, named after Mary’s father; and (iii) Nathaniel,117 apparently named after her uncle, Nathaniel Newton. Nathaniel Newton was a noted local figure and philanthropist. He set up a educational trust fund in his will,147 with a local primary school surviving under his name to this day.148

Mary Waight

Mary was the daughter of Benjamin Waight and Mary Gulson, the sister of John Gulson, Thomas Lloyd’s guardian under the will of Sampson Lloyd.

Mary Waight married twice, surviving both of her husbands. She married (i) Thomas Lloyd in 1727. Following his death, in 1751 she married (ii) Thomas Robinson,149 one of a family of Birmingham Quakers and coopers. There were no known issue from this second marriage. I am not sure whether any of her sons were ever involved in the cooperage business. Her grandson Thomas Lloyd took it as his trade. She died in 1780.

Thomas Robinson’s will150 left Mary a half share of four houses he owned on Temple Street and on Needless Alley in Birmingham, close to St. Philip’s Church. Mary’s own will121 entrusted her portion of the property to Sampson and Charles Lloyd for liquidation and conveyance of the proceeds to her children. By then, her son Sampson had evidently died, and her son Nathaniel had left home and was unheard of. That left Benjamin Lloyd as her sole certain survivor.

Benjamin Waight was a clothier.151 His family were early members of the Society of Friends in Coventry and Worcester.152

Benjamin’s father, John Waight, bought 1,250 acres of land in Pennsylvania, to be assigned and surveyed, from William Pardoe, a fellow-Quaker of Coventry and the original purchaser from William Penn. Benjamin inherited title to the property when his older siblings died without eligible heirs.151 The land was divided into two adjacent parcels of 725 and of 500 acres in Sadsbury Township, Chester County, and 25 acres in the Liberties area next to Philadelphia.153-155 Title was shown, for the first, as of the heirs of John Waight; for the second, as of Sarah Waight, I presume Benjamin’s half-sister; and for the last, as of John Waight. The Chester County location is of interest because Lloyd family members who came later in this lineage settled there. John Waight’s Liberties parcel, near the Schuylkill River, is also of note here because it abutted purchases by another Thomas Lloyd, also of Dolobran, who became Governor-General of Pennsylvania.156, 157

These specific land transactions were instances of a general pattern of early purchase of land from William Penn by Quakers of Warwickshire and Montgomeryshire. Three of eight of Group XXI of the First Purchasers were members of the Worcester Friends Monthly Meeting, including John Price and Francis Fincher, whose names are above and below William Pardoe’s. Group XXII is headed by Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, who along with associates bought 10,000 acres.156 One could recount countless other purchases by Friends of Warwickshire and Montgomeryshire.

Mary Gulson’s father was one of the Society of Friends in Coventry, Warwickshire, a skinner by trade.158, 159 His brother William was a grocer.160 (Both of these trades are found at later dates in the family tree.) The Gulsons were an eminent family, going back in their roots for centuries,161 and still of note in today’s Coventry. Joshua Gulson, a grandson of William,162 emigrated to Philadelphia and was received into the Society of Friends there in 1790. For reasons that are not clear, he was disowned by the Society in 1792.163 He died in Philadelphia in 1795 at age 34.163

Sampson Lloyd and Nathaniel Lloyd

Sampson was named after his father’s father. From this and his appearance first in the list in the will of his grandmother, we might guess that he was firstborn. Since the signs are that the parents’ marriage was forced, his birth might be at 1727 or 1728. He was apprenticed to Thomas Vallant, toymaker of Birmingham, in 1742.164 Curiously, his cousin and namesake Sampson, son of the more illustrious Charles and Mary (née Carless) Lloyd, was apprenticed in 1755 to another toymaker of the city, John Green.165 “Toymaking” was a commercial term, the Oxford English Dictionary notes, “[a]pplied technically to small steel articles, as hammers, pincers, buckles, button-hooks, nails, etc. More fully ’steel toys’ (? i.e. steel petty things).”166 References in Mary Robinson’s will121 suggest that he may have been a spectacle-case maker in adulthood, which would be consistent with the skills involved in his apprenticeship if the spectacle cases were of metal. In the 1759 will of his grandmother Mary,117 Sampson received £5, while his brothers each received £3 — a sign of favor that might have been simply personal, or might have reflected comparative worldly success or reputation. Sampson was the only one of the three children of Thomas and Mary Lloyd who received a bequest under the 1772 will of Olive née Lloyd Kirton, Thomas’s sister,167 so he was presumably still alive at that time. Since he is not included in the 1780 will of his mother, we would assume that he had died by then.121

I have not found any definite records of Nathaniel beyond his mention in family wills. One possibility appears worth mention, though the available evidence conflicts. There are records of a Nathaniel Lloyd in Nuneaton that fit demographically. The location matches the Hartshill home of Nathaniel Newton, for whom the Nathaniel of interest here was evidently named, and is about ten miles from Coventry. Documentation shows a Nathaniel Lloyd without a birth record or other apparent ties to the location, born about 1737.168 He was a ropemaker. He married Mary Orton there on January 1, 1759.169 He died at age 81 and was buried in 1818 at Chilvers Coton, in the Nuneaton area. Yet the will of the mother of the subject Nathaniel Lloyd speaks of a legacy “if he Returns to England or Can be h[e]ard of.”121 I am skeptical that she would think her son had gone overseas if he was living not far from her for decades.

Dolobran Lloyd Lineage

Sampson Lloyd I, with his two wives, had eleven known children. The six sons included Sampson and Charles, well-known industrialists who began the banking institution that would become Lloyds of London, and the Thomas of the line discussed here.

From this point back, the Lloyd history is extensively documented. Samuel Lloyd wrote a discursive history of the family and their lives, The Lloyds of Birmingham, with Some Account of the Founding of Lloyds Bank.170 Charles Perrin Smith includes a detailed genealogy in his Lineage of the Lloyd and Carpenter Family.62 Rachel J. Lowe’s Farm and its Inhabitants, with Some Account of the Lloyds of Dolobran171 includes narrative and genealogy of the Lloyds of Warwickshire. Burke’s Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, which is a standard reference but decried by trained genealogists, lists the descent of the Lloyds of Dolobran.140 These books are to varying degrees private histories and products of the vanity press, and none should be taken as providing complete or definitive lineage. A more reliable and useful reference is Humphrey Lloyd’s The Quaker Lloyds in the Industrial Revolution.118 For older parts of the line, Douglas Richardson172 provides a more scrupulous version than the Burkes.

Burke’s Landed Gentry reports the line going back to the year 542, which indeed is a fanciful stretch, and cites the first use (by the Dolobran clan) of the Lloyd name in about 1476. This account notes that Charles Lloyd was an early and persecuted Friend, cites the Thomas Lloyd who was first Governor-General of Pennsylvania, and describes the descent to the famed banker Sampson Lloyd.

Lineage.—IVAN Teg, or the Handsome, of Dolobran, co. Montgomery, ap David, of Dolobran, ap Jenkin, ap Llewellyn ap Einion, of Lloydiarth, ap Celynyn, of Lloydiarth, who derived from Aleth, Lord of Dyfed, 13th in descent from Meireg (living 542), according to LEWYS DWNN. He m. Mawd, dau. of Evan Blaney, of Tregynon, and Castly Blaney, co. Monoghan, in Ireland, ancestor of the Lords Blaney, by who he had a son,
OWEN, of Dolobran, who was the first of the family to assume the name of LLOYD, from LLydiarth, the seat of his ancestors, which he did, circa 1476…

CHARLES LLOYD, Esq. of Dolobran, J.P., b. in 1597, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Stanley… had issue, i. CHARLES, his heir; ii. John… iii. THOMAS, b. 17th Feb. 1640, who accompanied William Penn to Pennsylvania, and was ancestor of the various families (now extinct in the male line) long resident in the United States of America. The eldest son [of the elder Charles],

CHARLES LLOYD, Esq. of Dolobran, b. 9 Dec 1637, attached himself in the year 1662 to George Fox and his followers, the founders of the Society of Friends, and suffered in consequence much persecution.

Sampson Lloyd I, b. 1664, was the second son of the the Charles b. 1637.

The distaff side

The roots of the wives of the Dolobran Lloyds generally were in families that were distinguished in their own right, landed and titled. Some of the lines have interesting roles in English history. I have not included details, which are covered in various books of heraldry. The family names include Crowley, Lort, Stanley, Wynne, Phillips, and Morris.

Questions for further study

The middle of eighteenth-century Warwickshire, from about the marriage of Thomas Lloyd and Mary Waight through the lives of their children, is in considerable shadow. I don’t know where to turn for additional information. Perhaps there are local sources that I am not aware of.

It would be interesting to know how Thomas Lloyd’s path crossed that of Westall Richardson, witness for the 1818 wedding. Available evidence suggests that the connection was made in England rather than in Pennsylvania, so the knowing more might shed light on the specific reasons for Thomas’s migration to America.

I and others have devoted quite a bit of research to the roots of John and Joshua Lloyd of colonial Pennsylvania, so far without success. There are some tantalizing clues.

Paul Nordberg


1. Jane Lloyd-Crawford, Lloyd Lineage. 1981. This typewritten family manuscript was very well researched, especially given its preparation in the pre-electronic age. It covers the Lloyds back through Henry, describing the lineage further back as a “family mystery.”
2. Marriage of Henry Lloyd and Sarah A. Wayne. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1866., viewed June 26, 2021. FamilySearch microfilm 978998, which I viewed September 20, 2017, indicates a Methodist ceremony conducted by the Reverend Samuel Irwin. There is another FamilySearch record indicating the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, a Quaker grouping. I have not been able to find more information on the Quaker report.
3. Intestate probate of Henry Hoffman. Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1821., viewed January 16, 2023. Appointment is noted in probate file of Henry Hoffman of Exeter, deceased 1821.
4. Tax Index, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1838., viewed December 25, 2022. See p. 320 of the index A-M.
5. United States Census 1840, Moyamensing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., viewed June 29, 2018.
6. Marriage of Joseph Lloyd and Sarah Hoffman, both of Union Township. Christ Episcopal Church, Reading, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1835. The ceremony was performed by R. U. Morgan, Rector. The records of the church were copied and indexed by Mrs. Mary O. Steinmetz. The Berks County Historical Society supplied a copy, in possession of Paul Nordberg.
7. Appointment of Joseph Loyd as guardian of the estate of children of his deceased wife. Berks County, Pennsylvania Orphans’ Court, June 2, 1845. Book 14, Page 316,, viewed January 16, 2023. “Upon the Petition of Esther Hoffman, mother of Sarah Loyd, dec’d. late the wife of Joseph Lloyd, praying the Court to appoint said Joseph Loyd, Guardian of Joel Lloyd, Henry Lloyd and William Lloyd, minor children of said deceased under 14 years of age. Whereupon the Court appointed said Joseph Loyd the father as the Guardian of the Estate of said minor children - and directed that said Guardian give security before he receives any funds for said children.
8. United States Census 1850, Union Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania., viewed July 20, 2017.
9. United States Census 1860, 17th Ward, City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania., viewed November 19, 2017.
10. Wikipedia. Shoemaking., viewed November 18, 2017. Notes: “By the 1890s, the process of mechanisation [of shoemaking] was largely complete.”
11. Howard William Lloyd, Lloyd Manuscripts. 1912, Lancaster, Pennsylvania: New Era Printing Company. See p. 189 ff. Hugh Lloyd’s family came from Merionethshire in Wales, where they clearly were acquainted with the Dolobran Lloyds of Montgomeryshire and were possibly related.
12. Futhey, J.S. and G. Cope, History of Chester County, Pennsylvania. 1881, Philadelphia: Louis H. Evers. See p. 60. In Revolutionary War times, General Anthony Wayne and Colonel Hugh Lloyd, both of Chester County, were associates.
13. Edwin Jaquett Sellers, English Ancestry of the Wayne Family of Philadelphia. 1927, Philadelphia., viewed June 26, 2021.
14. Baptisms of children of Elizabeth Oplinger (wife of Thomas Lloyd). Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985, April 21, 1818., viewed July 25, 2014. The children baptised are Mary Ann Lloyd, Samuel Lloyd, and Joseph Lloyd.
15. Septennial enumeration of the taxable inhabitants, slaves, etc. 1842, Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania., viewed September 10, 2017.
16. Marriage of Joseph Lloyd and Anna Hoyer. Ceremony performed by Rev. Wm. Pauli, April 16, 1846. Both the bride and the groom were noted to be from Union Township. Record is transcription by Jeffrey J. Howell of Marriages Appearing in the Reading Adler, January 1840 - December 1849, p. 234. Photocopy of original typescript supplied by Historical Society of Berks County to Paul Nordberg. A second record from the Reading Gazette and Democrat supplies the same information.
17. Philadelphia GeoHistory Network. Philadelphia Directories., viewed June 25, 2021. Notes: Directories for a wide range of years are available for viewing.
18. United States Census 1870, Ward 3, Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania., viewed November 19, 2017.
19. United States Census 1880, Lower Heidelberg, Berks County, Pennsylvania., viewed November 19, 2017.
20. United States Census 1830, Nether Providence, Delaware County, Pennsylvania., viewed July 30, 2017.
21. Probate of Abraham DeTurk of Exeter. Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1820., viewed January 26, 2023. The record speaks of “the main Plantation, about Ten acres adjoining Henry Hoffman’s and Geo. Deturk’s land.”
22. Probate of estate of John Hoffman. Berks County, Pennsylvania, August 7, 1802., viewed January 16, 2023.
23. Tax list, Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1803., viewed January 30, 2023.
24. Tax list, Douglas Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1778., viewed January 16, 2023.
25. Hinke, W.J. Church Record of the Bern Reformed Church, Bern Township, Berks County, 1738-1835., viewed February 26, 2023. Notes: Transcribed from the original by Wililam J.Hinke June 1921, typed March 1989.
26. Tax list, Douglas Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1774., viewed January 17, 2023.
27. William Henry Egle, M.D., Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series. Provincial Papers: Proprietary and State Tax Lists of the County of Berks. Vol. XVIII. 1897, Harrisburg: Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer. 814 pages.
28. United States Census 1790, Exeter, Berks County, Pennsylvania., viewed February 27, 2023.
29. Tax lists, Exeter, Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1791., viewed February 27, 2023.
30. Deed from George Hoffman, executor, to Daniel Herner. Berks County, Pennsylvania, Book 20, Page 270. Recorded January 16, 1804., viewed March 2, 2023. George Hoffman is noted to be a weaver of the town of Exeter.
31. Land surveyed for Christian Hoffman. Pennsylvania, Book A-07, Page 12. June 3, 176x (illegible)., viewed February 28, 2023.
32. M.S. Giuseppe F.S.A. editor, Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American Colonies Pursuant to Statute 13 George II, c. 7. Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, 1921. Volume 24., viewed February 28, 2023.
33. Strassburger, R.B., Pennsylvania German Pioneers. Vol. I, 1727 - 1775. 1934, Norristown, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania German Society. 776 pages., viewed March 2, 2023. Edited by William John Hinke, Ph.D., D.D.
34. Diane Haddad. German Naming Traditions Genealogists Should Know., viewed March 1, 2023.
35. Application for land warrant by John Hoffman. Pennsylvania, October 5, 1748., viewed March 2, 2023.
36. Probate of Nicholas Boehm. Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1767. Book 2, Page 21,, viewed March 2, 2023.
37. Probate of Herman Weber. Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1777. Book 2, Page 294,, viewed March 2, 2023.
38. Probate of John Hoffman. Berks County, Pennsylvania, May 30, 1769., viewed March 2, 2023.
39. Probate of Sophia Hoffman. Berks County, Pennsylvania,, viewed February 28, 2023. The estate documents include a will, originally in German and translated into English.
40. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Power Library. Ships Lists of German Passengers, 1727-1808., viewed March 4, 2023.
41. Janet and Robert Wolfe Genealogy. Jost Hoffman., viewed March 4, 2023.
42. Translator Reverend D. I. Offman, Brick Church Records. 1959. 191 pages., viewed February 27, 2023. “Typed from a carbon copy of Rev. D. I. Offman‘s translation by Calvin Hinshaw, and proof read by said Hinshaw and David Holt.”
43. WikiTree profile manager John Wilson. Johan Conrad Weiser Jr. (1696 - 1760)., viewed March 4, 2023. Notes: A descendant of another associated family reports, "Concerning his birth and early origin Conrad Weiser, toward the close of his life, wrote "On Nov. 2, 1696, I, Conrad Weiser, was born in Europe, in the land of Wuerttemberg, in the district (Amt) of Herrenberg; the village is called Astael, and was christened at Kupingen, nearby, as my father has informed me."
44. Sarah A. Lloyd. Buried in Aulenbach’s Cemetery, Mount Penn, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Death January 1, 1889., viewed May 4, 2014.
45. Birth of Thomas Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, November 27, 1779., viewed June 24, 2021.
46. Marriage of Thomas Lloyd and Mary Jane Abell. Gloria Dei P.E. Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 13, 1818., viewed July 15, 2021. Thomas Lloyd is noted to be from Birmingham, England, son of Thomas Lloyd and the late Mary Lloyd. His age is reported to be 35. Mary Jane Abell is noted to be daughter of Edward and Jane Abell of Philadelphia. She is 22. Gloria Dei is also known as Old Swedes’ Church, in the Southwark section of Philadelphia.
47. Certificate of marriage of Thomas Lloyd, cooper, and Mary Evans. England & Wales, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Marriages 1578-1841, 1777., viewed April 1, 2020.
48. Marriage of Thomas Lloyd and Mary Evans. Birmingham, Warwickshire, October 10, 1777., viewed June 24, 2021. Thomas is noted to be son of Benjamin and Sarah Lloyd, Mary daughter of John and Elizabeth Evans.
49. Apprenticeship of Thomas Lloyd to Hawkes and Gold, saddlers of Birmingham. Britain, Country Apprentices 1710-1808, National Archives IR 1, 1795. Book 67, Page 139,, viewed March 30, 2020. Society of Genealogists index, with corresponding image from National Archives
50. Pearson and Rollason. The Birmingham Directory, 1777., viewed March 24, 2020.
51. Will of John Hawkes. Staffordshire. Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860, Will dated 1752, probated 1753., viewed March 30, 2020.
52. Will of John Evans. Episcopal Consistory Court, Diocese of Worcester, October 19. 1786.
53. Hardshaw Monthly Meeting Minutes, p. 180. Society of Friends, Hardshaw, Lancashire, 1811. Microfilm in possession of Manchester Archives.
54. FamilySearch. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists Index, 1800-1906., viewed September 10, 2017.
55. FamilySearch. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800-1882., viewed September 10, 2017.
56. Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Oblinger, Northampton County. Unrecorded,, viewed August 25, 2017. Included in military pension file of Jacob Benner.
57. Rinkenbach, W.H., History of the Oblinger-Oplinger-Uplinger Family. 1964, Allentown, Pennsylvania: Typewritten manuscript. 166 pages., viewed June 25, 2021.
58. Marriage of Jacob Bender and Elisabeth Oblinger. Market Square Church, Germantown, Phlladelphia County, Pennsylvania, June 1807., viewed September 24, 2015.
59. United States Census 1810, West Northern Liberties, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania., viewed October 8, 2017.
60. Membership 1773-1836. Society of Friends. Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). FamilySearch microfilm 20478
61. Deed of land to John Lloyd of Ridley Township. Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Book O, Page 713. April 2, 1822., viewed July 30, 2017.
62. Charles Perrin Smith, Lloyd and Carpenter Family, Compiled from Authentic Sources. 1870, Camden, New Jersey: S. Chew. 88 pages., viewed June 22, 2021.
63. Baptism of Waistell Richardson. Cathedral Church of St Peter & St Paul, Sheffield, England, June 17, 1781., viewed July 6, 2021. The child is noted to be son of Waistell Richardson, stay maker.
64. Marriage of Westall Richardson and Ann Steel. All Saints, Rotherham Minster, Yorkshire, October 17, 1802., viewed July 6, 2021. Witnesses were Bridget Smith and Benjamin Richardson
65. Marriage of Benjamin Richardson and Elizabeth Burley. Cathedral Church of St Peter & St Paul, Sheffield, England, April 16, 1804., viewed July 8, 2021.
66. Richardson Sheffield. Brands., viewed July 7, 2021.
67. Chris Evans. Steel in Britain before and after Benjamin Huntsman: manufacture and consumption in the eighteenth century., viewed July 7, 2021.
68. United States Census 1820, Northern Liberties, Ward 1, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania., viewed November 20, 2017.
69. Return and Assessment, County of Berks, Cumru Township, 1780., viewed June 26, 2018. Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, Volume XVIII. Harrisburg: Wm. Stanley Ray, State Printer, 1897. p. 328.
70. Petition of John Oblinger for Guardian. Berks County, Pennsylvania, August 9, 1816., viewed June 26, 2018.
71. Deed, The Heirs of Saml. Oplinger dec. to Peter Brown. Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Book F5, Page 281, 305. April 1, 1830., viewed June 25, 2021.
72. Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915, January 21, 1865., viewed November 19, 2017. Thomas Lloyd is noted to be a widowed “cordwinder,” 86 years old, born in Birmingham, England, buried in Lafayette Cemetery. The cause of death is reported as cerebritis.
73. FindAGrave. William Linderman., viewed July 11, 2017.
74. Oplinger, W.L., G.G. Oplinger, and R.L. Hess. Claus Oblinger, a Swiss Pioneer: Revised Edition, 2020., viewed June 25, 2021.
75. Translation of the Last Will of George William Diethard. Northampton County, Pennsylvania, June 4, 1774. Book 1, Page 135,, viewed September 14, 2017.
76. Register's index, 1752-1966, surnames C-E. Registry of Probate, Northampton County, Pennsylvania,, viewed September 14, 2017.
77. Dreisbach/Dresbach Family Association. Simon Dreisbach Line., viewed September 11, 2017.
78. Burial of Mary Jane Lloyd. St. Paul’s P. E. Church, Philadelphia, June 11, 1856., viewed July 6, 2021.
79. Marriage of Joshua Lloyd and Elisabeth Miller. Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 11, 1818., viewed July 19, 2017.
80. Joshua Loyd, Physician’s Certificate of Death. Ambler, Upper Dublin, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, August 26, 1881., viewed November 20, 2017. Joshua is reported to be a widower, aged 94, with the cause of death being “Old Age.”
81. Chesco. 18th Century Tax Records, Chester County, Pennsylvania., viewed April 20, 2020. Notes: Corroborating land transfer and probate records are also viewable at the ChesCo site.
82. John Lloyd. FindAGrave., viewed July 13, 2017. John Lloyd is reported to have been born in 1787, died July 31, 1850, and been buried in Chester Rural Cemetery, Chester, Pennsylvania.
83. Burial of Thomas Lloyd. Bull Street, Birmingham, Warwickshire, December 6, 1820., viewed June 24, 2021. Thomas Lloyd is note to have been a cooper, dying on December 1 at age 64.
84. Peter Barfoot and John Wilkes, The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce,and Manufacture. Vol. II. 1791, London., viewed June 25, 2021.
85. Thomas Lloyd, in England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991. Birmingham, Warwickshire, December 1, 1820, death; December 6, 1820, burial., viewed June 25, 2020. He is noted to be a cooper, 64 years old.
86. Burial of Mary Lloyd. North Warwickshire, September 9, 1781., viewed June 24, 2021.
87. Marriage of Thomas Lloyd. North Warwickshire, August 8, 1782., viewed June 25, 2021. Thomas is noted to be the son of Benjamin Lloyd and Sarah.
88. Marriage of Mary Haddersich. North Warwickshire, August 8, 1782., viewed June 25, 2021. Mary is noted to be the daughter of William Haddersich and Ann.
89. Levy book 1789-1802 (FamilySearch film 1469307), Birmingham, Warwickshire, 1779., viewed November 30, 2017. Thomas Lloyd was reported to have a levy of 3 shillings in 1779.
90. Birth of Mary Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, April 27, 1787., viewed June 24, 2021.
91. Birth of Benjamin Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, March 24, 1784., viewed June 24, 2021.
92. Birth of John Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, March 3,1786., viewed June 24, 2021.
93. Birth of William Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, October 11, 1788., viewed June 24, 2021.
94. Birth of Sarah Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, February 1, 1790., viewed June 24, 2021.
95. Birth of Abraham Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, June 9, 1791., viewed June 24, 2021.
96. Birth of Ann Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, April 19, 1793., viewed June 24, 2021.
97. Mary Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, April 20, 1754., viewed June 24, 2021. Her parents are noted to be John and Elizabeth Evans.
98. Burial of Mary Lloyd, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Warwickshire, September 9, 1781., viewed June 24, 2021.
99. Warwick Quaker Meeting. A List (completeness uncertain) of Burials in the Warwick Graveyard of Friends, 1660 to 1879., viewed June 29, 2021. Notes: There are various useful handwritten annotations to the printed manuscript.
100. Grave order for John Evans. Warwickshire North Society of Friends, Death on February 14, 1786; burial on February 19., viewed July 3, 2021.
101. Birth of Rebeckah Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Leicestershire, September 15, 1749., viewed June 24, 2021.
102. Burial of Rebekah Evans. With registers covering Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, January 26, 1761., viewed June 24, 2021. Rebekah’s mother is noted to have been Elizabeth Evans.
103. Birth of Samuell Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Leicestershire, January 19, 1744., viewed June 24, 2021.
104. Birth of Thomas Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, April 25, 1749., viewed June 24, 2021.
105. Birth of William Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, December 4, 1750., viewed June 24, 2021.
106. Birth of Elizabeth Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, July 5, 1752., viewed June 24, 2021.
107. Birth of Benjamin Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, November 30, 1756., viewed June 24, 2021.
108. Birth of Daniel Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Birmingham, Warwickshire, September 17, 1758., viewed June 24, 2021.
109. Marriage of Emmanuel Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Leicester, Leicestershire, December 30, 1716., viewed June 24, 2021. The marriage date is variously given in different record series as December 29, 1715; December 13, 1716; and December 30, 1716.
110. Birth of John Evans, in England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977. Leicester, Leicestershire, November 22, 1717., viewed June 24, 2021.
111. Evans, R.H., The Quakers of Leicestershire, 1660-1714. Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society, 1953. 28: p. 63-83., viewed June 24, 2021.
112. Christening of unnamed son of John Evins. Wigston Magna, Leicestershire, January 23,1672., viewed June 24, 2021.
113. Birth of Elizabeth Smart, in England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975. Warwickshire, October 31, 1717., viewed July 6, 2021. Her parents are noted to have been Samuel and Kathaine Smart.
114. Certificate of marriage, Samuel Smart and Katharine Moore. Warwickshire, December 9, 1713., viewed November 10, 2019.
115. Mary Lloyd, in England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991. Birmingham, Warwickshire, death March 13, 1815; burial March 19, 1815., viewed June 24, 2021.
116. Wallsall Council. Early References to Walsall Loriners and Leatherworkers., viewed June 24, 2021.
117. Will of Mary Lloyd, née Crowley. Lichfield Consistory Court, Staffordshire,, viewed October 12, 2019.
118. Humphrey Lloyd, Quaker Lloyds in the Industrial Revolution. 2006: Routledge. 360 pages.
119. Thos. Lloyd and Mary Weight. Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield & Coventry Marriage Allegations And Bonds, 1636-1893, November 15, 1727., viewed March 22, 2020. Bond of £100 was noted to be supplied by Henry Tissell of the City of Coventry, Ephippiarium [saddler] and John Doe [a fictional name]. The handwriting is difficult, but appears to indicated that Thomas Lloyd’s occupation was grocer.
120. TEMP MSS 210: Lloyd Manuscripts. 1/36: Charles Lloyd III (1662-1748) his account of family; and extract from a MS-book of Charles Lloyd II. The Library of the Religious Society of Friends, London. Reviewed and reported by Dr. Stephen Taylor, Staffordshire, March 2020.
121. Will of Mary Robinson. Lichfield Consistory Court, Recorded June 28, 1780., viewed March 26, 2020.
122. Marriage of Benj. Lloyd and Sarah Palmer. St. Peter and Paul’s Church, Aston juxta Birmingham, Warwickshire, September 25, 1750., viewed June 24, 2021. The records were kept at St. Peter and Paul’s Church in Aston, but the ceremony might have taken place in an associated chapel of ease, St. John’s, in the Deritend neighborhood of Birmingham.
123. Death of John Lloydd. Birmingham, Warwickshire, November 22, 1757., viewed June 24, 2021. John was noted to have been the son of Benjamin Lloydd and Sarah LLoydd.
124. Death of Mary Lloyd, daughter of Benjamin Lloyd and Sarah Lloyd. Birmingham, Warwickshre, June 21, 1780., viewed June 24, 2021.
125. Death and burial of John Dand. Friends Burying Ground, Birmingham, Warwickshire, July 5, 1781 (death); July 7, 1781 (burial)., viewed June 29, 2021. He is noted to have been a salesman, aged 74
126. Death and burial of Elizabeth Dand. Friends Burying Ground, Birmingham, Warwickshire, September 10, 1781 (death); September 12, 1781 (burial)., viewed June 29, 2021. She is noted to have been a widow, aged 77.
127. Birth of Esther Dand. Birmingham, Warwickshire, OS twelfth month [March] 21st day 1737 [1738]., viewed June 29, 2021. She is noted to be daughter of John Dand and Elizabeth his wife. The records are from the Monthly Meeting of Leicester.
128. Birth of Elizabeth Dand. Birmingham, Warwickshire, OS second month [May] 28th day 1740., viewed June 29, 2021. She is noted to be daughter of John Dand and Elizabeth his wife. The records are from the Monthly Meeting of Leicester.
129. Birth of Mary Dand. Birmingham, Warwickshire, OS seventh month [September] 1, 1742., viewed June 29, 2021. She is noted to be daughter of John Dand and Elizabeth his wife. The records are from the Monthly Meeting of Leicester.
130. Birth of Ruth Dand. Birmingham, Warwickshire, OS seventh month [September] 28, 1750., viewed June 29, 2021. She is noted to be daughter of John Dand and Elizabeth his wife. The records are from the Monthly Meeting of Leicester.
131. Besse, J., A collection of the sufferings of the people called Quakers. Vol. 1753. London: L. Hinde., viewed July 4, 2021.
132. Burial of John Smart. Leicester, Leicestershire, May 8, 1687., viewed July 5, 2021. John Smart is noted to have been son of Jno. Smart of Leicester Forest
133. Radley, M. and H. Ellis, The Somersby Estate. The Journal of the Friends’ Historical Society, 1909. VI(1, continued in 2): p. 17-22, 72-78., viewed June 28, 2021. Material of interest is on p. 73.
134. Partnership with International Lawyers Network. Definition of de excommunicato capiendo in the Dictionaries of the Encyclopedia of Law Project., viewed July 5, 2021.
135. Deaths and burials. Hinckley Monthly Meeting, Leicestershire, 1704 to 1735., viewed July 6, 2021.
136. Apprenticeship of William Crosen to John Evans, Master. Wigston Magna, Leicestershire, 1712., viewed July 5, 2021. John Evans of Wigston Magna, frameworkknitter, accepted as apprentice William Crosen, son of John Crosen, weaver, also of Wigston Magna. The premium was £4. Records come from IR 1/42, page 160.
137. Apprenticeship of Robert Hull to John Dand, Master. Great Batling, Leicestershire, 1714., viewed July 5, 2021. John Dand, frameworkknitter, accepted as apprentice Robert Hull, son of Robert Hull, yeoman, of Great Batling. The premium was £5. Records come from IR 1/44, page 141.
138. Apprenticeship of George Freer to Thomas Smart, Master. Barwell, Leicestershire, 1712., viewed July 5, 2021. Thomas Smart of Barwell, frameworkknitter, accepted as apprentice George Freer, son of John Freer, deceased, of Growby. The premium was £2 5s. Records come from IR 1/42.
139. MS 1061/2/6/3/7: Photographs of a plaque showing names of many members of the Lloyd family whose remains were removed from the Friends’ Burial Ground in Bull Lane in 1851. Birmingham City Archives, The Library of Birmingham. Reviewed and reported by Dr. Stephen Taylor, Staffordshire, March 2020
140. Burke, J. and B. Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry. Vol. I. 1847, London: Henry Colburn. 2308 pages., viewed June 22, 2021.
141. Will of Sampson Lloyd. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, July 3, 1725., viewed June 24, 2021. National Archives PROB 11/604/154
142. Will of John Gulson of Coventry, skinner. Coventry Archives, Proved May 25, 1743., viewed November 17, 2019.
143. Will of John Pemberton, Iron Monger of Birmingham, Warwickshire. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, April 22, 1736. Instrument number PROB 11/676/428., viewed November 19, 2019.
144. William Gulson, master, and James Chorley, apprentice. Britain, Country Apprentices 1710-1808: IR 1, 1747. Book 18, Page 63,, viewed March 31, 2020.
145. TEMP MSS 210: Lloyd Manuscripts. 2/82: Letter from Sampson Lloyd from Birmingham to Thomas Kirton, dated October 3, 1744. The Library of the Religious Society of Friends, London. Reviewed and reported by Dr. Stephen Taylor, Staffordshire, March 2020
146. TEMP MSS 210: Lloyd Manuscripts. 2/80. Letter from Sampson Lloyd from Birmingham, dated 7th January 1744[/5], to Thomas Kirton at Newbury. The Library of the Religious Society of Friends, London. Reviewed and reported by Dr. Stephen Taylor, Staffordshire, March 2020
147. Will of Nathaniel Newton. Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860,, viewed March 21, 2020.
148. Ritchie, R. and C. Barnett, The Quakers of Hartshill. The Friend: The Quaker Magazine, 2012., viewed March 21, 2020.
149. Marriage of Thomas Robinson and Mary (née Waight) Lloyd, in Transcript of marriages, 1648-1837. FamilySearch film 289468. Society of Friends. Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Rutlandshire Quarterly Meeting (England). 1751., viewed March 11, 2020.
150. Will of Thomas Robinson. LIchfield Consistory probate records, Probated February 27, 1776. Images downloaded from FindMyPast in possession of Paul Nordberg
151. Release, William Pardoe to Benjamin Waight. Chester County, Pennsylvania Register of Deeds, Book K, Page 241. May 3, 1737., viewed March 12, 2020.
152. Benjamin Waight. England and Wales Non-Conformist Record Indexes (RG4-8), 1588-1977., viewed March 8, 2020.
153. Pennsylvania State Archives. Records of the Land Office: Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. Book 20-A, Volume 18., viewed March 17, 2020.
154. Pennsylvania State Archives. Records of the Land Office: Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. Book 20-A, Volume 24., viewed March 20, 2020.
155. Pennsylvania State Archives. Records of the Land Office: Copied Surveys, 1681-1912. Book 20-D, Volume 69., viewed March 17, 2020.
156. American Philosophical Society Library. Map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia, with the catalogue of purchasers, is humbly dedicated by their most obedient humble servant, John Reed., viewed March 20, 2021.
157. John Reed. An Explanation of the Map of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia., viewed March 20, 2020.
158. RG6/995. Register of Births For the Monthly Meeting of Coventry, Warwickshire From 1655 To 1778, With A Register of Burials From 1696 To 1776., viewed March 12, 2020.
159. Will of William Gulston or Gulson, Skinner of Coventry, Warwickshire. Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers, 1716. Instrument number PROB 11/555/207., viewed March 12, 2020.
160. Marriage certificate of Edward Gulson. England & Wales, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Marriages 1578-1841, 1748., viewed March 19, 2020.
161. Henry Ecroyd Smith, Annals of Smith of Cantley, Balby, and Doncaster. 1878: Printer for subscribers. 277 pages., viewed March 19, 2020. This privately printed work of the vanity press has many inaccuracies but paints an informative broad picture.
162. Joshua Gulson. England & Wales, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Births 1578-1841., viewed March 23, 2020.
163. Hinshaw, W.W., Encyclopedia of American Quaker genealogy. Vol. II. 1936, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, Inc., viewed March 23, 2020.
164. Apprenticeship of Sampson Lloyd to Thomas Vallant, toymaker of Birmingham. Britain, Country Apprentices 1710-1808, National Archives IR 1, 1742. Book 16, Page 171,, viewed March 30, 2020. Society of Genealogists index, with corresponding image from National Archives
165. Apprenticeship of Sampson Lloyd to John Green, toymaker of Birmingham. Britain, Country Apprentices 1710-1808, National Archives IR 1, 1755. Book 52, Page 104,, viewed March 30, 2020. Society of Genealogists index, with corresponding image from National Archives
166. Definition of Toymaking. Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press (Oxford 1933). Volume XI.
167. Will of Olive Kirton née Lloyd. Lichfield Conistory Court, Will dated 1772, probated 1776., viewed November 20, 2019.
168. Nathaniel Lloyd, in National Burial Index for England. Chilvers Coton, Nuneaton District, Warwickshire, 1818., viewed March 21, 2020.
169. Marriage, Nathaniel Lloyd and Mary Orton. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, January 1, 1759., viewed March 21, 2020.
170. Samuel Lloyd, The Lloyds of Birmingham, with Some Account of the Founding of Lloyds Bank. 1907, Birmingham: Cornish Brothers, Limited. 246 pages., viewed June 22, 2021.
171. Rachel J. Lowe, Farm and its Inhabitants, with Some Account of the Lloyds of Dolobran. 1883: Privately printed. 116 pages., viewed October 24, 2019.
172. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry. 2005, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc.