Family History - Person Sheet
NameUlrika Wilhelmina (“Mina”) Åhrström
BirthDecember 21, 1864, Böle, Råneå, Norrbotten, Sweden39,40,41,34
DeathSeptember 13, 1929, Denver, Colorado41
BurialSeptember 17, 1929, Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Colorado41
OccupationLärarinna (schoolmistress), småskollär (= Små + skollär, i.e. she taught small children) in Sweden; housewife in America39,40,41,12
ReligionSwedish Lutheran9
BirthSeptember 30, 1869, Prästholm, Råneå, Norrbotten, Sweden32,12
DeathNovember 21, 1940, Denver, Colorado32
OccupationHemmansägare (farmer, freeholder) in Sweden; carpenter, cabinetmaker, inventor in America12,34,35,36,37,38
ReligionThe 1890 Swedish census describes him as “odöpt,” that is “unchristened.” This is a bit unusual, and would fit with my father’s reports of strong secular feelings in his Swedish family.39
Notes for Ulrika Wilhelmina (“Mina”) Åhrström
Vilhelmina was in Böle, Råneå, a rural community of about 300, in 1890. She lived in a household with her parents, her grandmother Dorotea Ulrika, and another member of the Åhrström family. She was unmarried at that time, 26 or 27 years old, teaching – a relatively lofty occupation for a woman in such a rural community. A family of Åströms were farming in Prestholm, where her husband’s family farmed, a possible connection between Olof and Ulrika.
My father writes, “My paternal grandmother, Wilhelmina, was a quiet, unassuming religious woman. The religion was Swedish Lutheran.”